White paper
Java API for
Version |
Comments |
Version 0.5 |
Initial Draft |
Version 0.7 |
Incorporated feedback from Howard
Pein and Peter Coates. |
Version 1.0 |
Deleted UML diagrams the JAVADOCS
are much more descriptive. |
Applications frequently reply on databases
to persist critical data. The persistent storage is typically used to store
reference data (e.g. user entitlements and offerings) and the application state
(e.g. open orders and trades). At the same time, applications will frequently
cache some of the data in caches. Caching is usually done to provide quick
response times to user requests.
As the state information changes in the
cache or the database for example, trades are generated and orders are filled
the application has to ensure that the two distributed data stores are in a
consistent state. When the data cached in the application changes, it is the
responsibility of the application to write the new state to persistent storage.
At the same time, if data in the persistent storage is modified e.g. an
administrator adds a new user to the system - the application would like to be
notified so it can update its in-memory cache.
The Adapter for ActiveDatabase (ADB)
software is used by applications to event-enable databases. ADB
publishing agents - in publish/subscribe mode - monitor the database for
changes and publish these changes on the TIBCO Rendezvous Bus. As a result,
applications are automatically notified of changes to the database as the
changes occur.
shown in the following diagram, when an application updates a table in a
database monitored by a publisher adapter, the adapter instance extracts data
from the changed rows from database tables and publishes them on appropriate
subjects using TIBCO Rendezvous software. The published messages are delivered
to subscriber applications efficiently via multicast. A subscriber adapter
listening on the corresponding subject receives the messages and updates the
relevant tables in its associated database. The data is then available to other
applications that have access to the database.
addition, applications can run arbitrary SQL queries against a database that is
being monitored by ADB agents in the request/reply mode. The result set(s) from
the queries are published by the ADB agent on the TIB Bus for consumption by
the application. In the request/reply mode, the application publishes a
well-formatted message on a subject that the ADB agents have been configured to
listen for requests. ADB agents receive this request, execute the SQL against
the database, and publish the result set(s) back to the application.
The ADB software
specifies the format of the request and reply messages. However, the ADB
software does not provide an API for application developers. To send a request
to an ADB agent, the application must create a request message with the
appropriate fields as defined in the ADB documentation. Similarly, to process a
result set, the application must parse the response message.
A request
from an application to an ADB agent must follow the format specified by the ADB
software. The following describes the structure of
the nested self-describing request message that is sent by an application to
the adapter:
rv_Name = "closure", rvmsg_Type = RVMSG_OPAQUE, rvmsg_Data = <optional closure data>
rv_Name = "stmt", rvmsg_Type = RVMSG_RVMSG, rvmsg_Data = <Statement>
rv_Name = "stmt", rvmsg_Type = RVMSG_RVMSG, rvmsg_Data = <Statement>
rv_Name = "stmt", rvmsg_Type = RVMSG_RVMSG, rvmsg_Data = <Statement>
. . .
where <Statement>
is a Rendezvous Message of the following
rv_Name = "sql", rvmsg_Type = RVMSG_STRING, rvmsg_Data = <The SQL Statement with possible bind variables>
rv_Name = "maxrows", rvmsg_Type = RVMSG_INT, rvmsg_Data = <Optional: max number of rows to fetch>
rv_Name = "bind", rvmsg_Type = RVMSG_RVMSG, rvmsg_Data = <Bind data>
rv_Name = "bind", rvmsg_Type = RVMSG_RVMSG, rvmsg_Data = <Bind data>
rv_Name = "bind", rvmsg_Type = RVMSG_RVMSG, rvmsg_Data = <Bind data>
. . .
where <Bind
data> is a Rendezvous Message with the
following structure:
<Bind data>
rv_Name = "position", rvmsg_Type = RVMSG_INT, rvmsg_Data = <position of the placeholder (starting with 1 from left to right)>
rv_Name = "column", rvmsg_Type = RVMSG_STRING, rvmsg_Data = <table-name.column-name whose column type matches this bound variable>
rv_Name = "data", rvmsg_Type = <type of bound data>, rvmsg_Data = <value of bound data>
As one
can see from the above message description, it can be somewhat tricky for
application developers to get the request format just right.
A response
from an ADB agent also has a well-defined format. The following describes the structure of the nested self-describing
response message that is sent by an ADB agent:
rv_Name = "status" rvmsg_Type = RVMSG_INT rvmsg_Data = 0
rv_Name = "results" rvmsg_Type = RVMSG_RVMSG rvmsg_Data = <Result>
rv_Name = "closure", rvmsg_Type = RVMSG_OPAQUE, rvmsg_Data = <optional closure data>
where <Result>
is a message in Rendezvous Message format of the
following structure:
name = "row" type = RVMSG_RVMSG value = <List of columns>
name = "row" type = RVMSG_RVMSG value = <List of columns>
name = "row" type = RVMSG_RVMSG value = <List of columns>
. . .
where <List
of columns>
is a message in Rendezvous
Message format of the following structure:
<List of columns>
rv_Name = <column-name>, rvmsg_Type = <type of bound data>, rvmsg_Data = <value of bound data>
rv_Name = <column-name>, rvmsg_Type = <type of bound data>, rvmsg_Data = <value of bound data>
rv_Name = <column-name>, rvmsg_Type = <type of bound data>, rvmsg_Data = <value of bound data>
. . .
If the
request processing was not successful, the reply could also return an error
code and error description as shown next:
rv_Name = "status" rvmsg_Type = RVMSG_INT rvmsg_Data = <nonzero number>
rv_Name = "sql" rvmsg_Type = RVMSG_STRING rvmsg_Data = <SQL statement which caused the error>
rv_Name = "error" rvmsg_Type = RVMSG_STRING rvmsg_Data = <error text>
rv_Name = "closure", rvmsg_Type = RVMSG_OPAQUE, rvmsg_Data = <optional closure data>
The status returned is an
integer specifying success or an error. Possible values are:
0: ok // No error
1: noMem // Out of Memory
2: notInitialized // Object never initialized
3: typeConversion // Type conversion error
4: dbNotFound // Database not registered
5: serverError // Error reported by server
6: serverMessage // Message from server
7: vendorLib // Error in vendor's library
8: notConnected // Lost connection
9: endOfFetch // End of fetch
10: invalidUsage // invalid usage of object
11: columnNotFound // Column does not exist
12: invalidPosition // invalid positioning within
object,i.e.bounds err
13: notSupported // Unsupported feature
14: nullReference // Null reference parameter
15: notFound // Database Object not found
16: missing // Required piece of information is missing
17: noMultiReaders // This object cannot support multiple
18: noDeleter // This object cannot support deletions
19: noInserter // This object cannot support insertions
20: noUpdater // This object cannot support updates
21: noReader // This object cannot support readers
22: noIndex // This object cannot support indices
23: noDrop // This object cannot be dropped
24: wrongConnection // Incorrect connection was supplied
25: noPrivilege // This object cannot support privileges
26: noCursor // This object cannot support cursors
27: cantOpen // Unable to open
28: applicationError // For errors produced at the application
29: notReady // For future use
To address
this need for a programmatic interface to the request/reply messages, Reuters
Consulting has developed a Java library to enable application developers to
easily create ADB requests and to process result rows from the ADB reply. This
API shields application developers from the low-level details of the ADB
message format. The following sections describe the ADB Java class library.
Java API package consists of a number of classes. Each class in the package
maps to one of the request/reply message constructs specified by the ADB
interesting thing to note is that each class in the com.reuters.rc.db.adb implements an interface specified in the com.reuters.rc.db package. The com.reuters.rc.db
package contains a set of interfaces that all concrete implementations ADB,
JDBC, etc. - must implement. In addition, the com.reuters.rc.db package provides classes for managing the static
i..e request/reply independent - settings such as the transport, queue,
timeout, etc. See Manager for more details.
In the
request/reply mode an application sends a request to ADB agents. The ADB agent
processes the request and (optionally) sends a reply message back to the
application. The reply message will typically contain one more more result sets
generated by executing one or more SQL queries against the database.
A request
statement represents a SQL statement or a stored procedure that will be
executed by the ADB. The following code shows how a simple request statement is
String sql =
; // Get the SQL statement
AdbRequestStmt stmt = new AdbRequestStmt(sql);
catch (AdbBusinessException ex)
// Handle exception
catch (AdbSystemException ex)
// Handle exception
By default, each
request run against the target database can return zero or more result sets.
The maximum number of rows returned in a result set is unlimited. Often, it is
desirable to limit the maximum number of rows returned in a result set.
The following
code limits the maximum number of rows returned from the request statement to
String sql =
; // Get the SQL statement
AdbRequestStmt stmt = new AdbRequestStmt(sql, 100);
catch (AdbBusinessException ex)
// Handle exception
catch (AdbSystemException ex)
// Handle exception
AdbBind class represents the binding of a data value to a placeholder in the
SQL statement. Not every data value sent
to an SQL statement must be bound. The client can embed all these values into
the actual text of the statement instead. Embedding the values directly into
the SQL text results in better performance. However, binary values must be
The following code shows
how a request statement is created with one bound value:
int pos = 1; // placeholder position
String col =
// column name
Object data =
// column data
AdbRequestBind bind = new AdbRequestBind (pos, col, data);
String sql =
; // Get the SQL statement
AdbRequestStmt stmt = new AdbRequestStmt(sql, bind);
catch (AdbBusinessException ex)
// Handle exception
catch (AdbSystemException ex)
// Handle exception
library allows zero or more bind data to be associated with a request
The AdbRequest class is
used to create and send a request. The following code shows how a simple
request is created and sent to ADB agents:
String sql =
; // Get the SQL statement
AdbRequestStmt stmt = new AdbRequestStmt(sql);
AdbRequest req = new AdbRequest(stmt);
String sendSubj =
; // Get the send subject
// Send the request without waiting for a response
catch (AdbBusinessException ex)
// Handle exception
catch (AdbSystemException ex)
// Handle exception
example shown above is intentionally simple and does not use many of the
features provided by the library. In this example, one SQL statement with no
bind variable is created and no response is
expected. The library fully supports multiple SQL statements with bind
variables along with processing of both synchronous and asynchronous responses.
A single ADB
request can contain multiple request (SQL) statements. The following code
constructs two request statements within a single ADB request:
String sql1 =
; // Get the first SQL statement
String sql2 =
; // Get the second SQL statement
AdbRequestStmt[] stmts = {new AdbRequestStmt(sql1), new AdbRequestStmt(sql2)};
AdbRequest req = new AdbRequest(stmts);
String sendSubj =
; // Get the send subject
// Send the request without waiting for a response
catch (AdbBusinessException ex)
// Handle exception
catch (AdbSystemException ex)
// Handle exception
an application will send a request to an ADB agent and expect a response
message in return. The library supports this by providing facilities for both
synchronous and asynchronous request/reply.
following code sends a request and waits for a reply message. The length of
time the request waits for a reply is configured through the DbManager
class. The reply can contain zero of more result sets and each result set can
contain zero or more rows.
String sql =
; // Get the SQL statement
AdbRequestStmt stmt = new AdbRequestStmt(sql);
AdbRequest req = new AdbRequest(stmt);
String sendSubj =
; // Get the send subject
// Send the request and wait for response
AdbReply reply = Req.sendRequest(sendSubject);
If (reply.isValid())
// Process each result set result set index starts at 1
for (int res = reply.getResultSetCount(); res > 0; --res)
int rowCount = reply.getResultRowCount(res);
// Process result set row index starts at 0
for (int row = rowCount 1; row >= 0; --row)
TibrvMsg row = reply.getResultRow(res, row);
// Process row
// Request failed get the ADB status code and description
int errCode = reply.getStatus();
String errDesc = reply.getError();
// Process error
catch (AdbBusinessException ex)
// Handle exception
catch (AdbSystemException ex)
// Handle exception
can also send a request to ADB and receive the reply on an application
callback. This allows the application to process the reply asynchronously.
following code sends a request. Instead of waiting for the reply, the
application registers an application callback. When the reply is received the
application callback is triggered by the library.
String sql =
; // Get the SQL statement
AdbRequestStmt stmt = new AdbRequestStmt(sql);
AdbRequest req = new AdbRequest(stmt);
String sendSubj =
; // Get the send subject
String replySubj =
; // Get the reply subject
DbRequestCallback cb = ; // Get the callback
// Send the request the reply is received asynchronously by
// the application callback
req.sendRequest(sendSubject, cb, replySubj);
catch (AdbBusinessException ex)
// Handle exception
catch (AdbSystemException ex)
// Handle exception
// Reply handler callback
public class AppCallback implements DbRequestCallback
public void onMsg(TibrvListener listener, DbReply reply)
// Process reply from ADB
// Close the listener if no more messages are expected
publishing agents monitor the database for changes and publish the updates on
the TIBCO Bus. The updates can be published either in the TIBCO/Rendezvous or
the Minstance data format.
For the
TIBCO/Rendezvous format the ADB Reply class described above can be used to
parse the data.
Minstance data format is required if parent/child relationships exist in the
database and the child rows are required to be published. In addition, the
Minstance format is useful because it includes the name of the source table
from which the data is being published. The library provides a set of classes
for parsing the Minstance data format messages.
Minstance message contains a set of meta-data that provides descriptive
information about the published data. This meta-data includes information like
the message version, type, etc. The Java API allows the application to easily
parse the meta-data and the actual content.
following code shows how a Minstance messges can be parsed.
// Get the ADB publication message
Tibrv pubMsg =
AdbMInstancePubMsg mInstMsg = new AdbMInstancePubMsg(pubMsg);
// Get the message version
Integer msgVer = mInstMsg.getMsgVersion();
// Get the message type
Integer msgType = mInstMsg.getMsgType();
// Get the class (table) name
String tblName = data.getClassName();
// Get the ADB agent id
String agentId = data.getAgentId();
AdbOpcode opCode = data.getOpcode();
// Get the sequence number
Long seqNo = data.getSequence();
// Get the data includes all parent/child data
DbPubMsgData data = mInstMsg.getData();
// Get the child row data
DbChildPubMsgData[] childRows = data.getChildRowData();
catch (AdbBusinessException ex)
// Handle exception
catch (AdbSystemException ex)
// Handle exception
application can configure the library by using static methods of the DbManager
class. The DbManager class allows the application to specify defaults for the
transport (used for publishing request messages), the queue (used for receiving
asynchronous reply messages), and the timeout (used for synchronous
request/reply messages). Once the defaults have been established, the
application does not need to specify the values for these objects. It is also
possible for the application to explicitly provide values for the transport,
queue, and timeout at the time of making the method call on the relevant
classes these explicit values settings override the defaults.
following code shows how DbManager can be used to configure the library.
// Get the transport
TibrvTransport rvTrans =
// Get the queue
TibrvQueue rvQueue =
// Get the default timeout
double timeout =
DbManager.setDefaults(rvTrans, rvQueue, timeout);
catch (DbBusinessException ex)
// Handle exception
catch (DbSystemException ex)
// Handle exception
library was designed to allow applications to customize the persistence
strategy without requiring extensive code change. For example, it might be the
case that an application requires database access via ActiveDatabase as well as
through JDBC.
allow such flexibility, the library defines a set of interfaces - in the com.reuters.rc.db
package - that each concrete implementation must provide. For example, classes
in the com.reuters.rc.adb package implement these interfaces.
this framework, a new database access stretegy can be implemented by simply
creating a new set of classes that implement the relevant interfaces in the com.reuters.rc.db
package. Once the new classes have been created, applications can use these new
classes with minimal code change.
further aid this effort, the library defines the com.reuters.rc.db.DbFactory
interface. A concrete implementation of this interface is provided by the com.reuters.rc.AdbFactory
class. If the application uses a factory instance to create all other class
instances then switching from one implementation (e.g. ADB) to another (e.g.
JDBC) will be as simple as swapping one factory for another.
following code shows how an application can use the AdbFactory class to create
a request:
// Get the factory
DbFactory fact = getFactory();
DbRequestStmt stmt = fact.getRequestStmt(sql);
DbRequest req = fact.getRequest(stmt);
catch (DbBusinessException ex)
// Handle exception
catch (DbSystemException ex)
// Handle exception
public static DbFactory getFactory()
// Read application configuration and return appropriate factory
if (config.isAdb())
return AdbFactory.getInstance();
else if (config.someOther())
return SomeOtherFactory.getInstance();
Java library provides type-safe access to the ADB request/reply messages. Use
of this library should result in significantly less effort for application
development teams in using the ADB software.